Saturday, November 13, 2010

Snowy morning and a giveaway

Here is what we woke up to this morning!!!! This is the view out to our backyard. As of 11:30 this morning, when I took this picture we have received about 6 inches of snow. It really looks pretty, but just makes me want to stay in and just stitch.

My 3rd year blogoversary was on November 6. I wanted to have a giveaway but I was out of town at the time. So I am going to have a drawing now for this stitching pouch I made. It is made out of Blackbird design fabric from their Beach House collection. Leave a comment on this post and I will enter you in the drawing. I will draw a name next Saturday, November 20. Good luck:)

I received these wonderful knitted dishcloths yesterday from Pam, a stitcher that Cathy B and I met at the Silver Needle retreat back in July. Pam is from Iowa and she and her sister Cheryl came up here to the cities to go to Stitchville our LNS for her birthday. So Cathy and I had lunch with them and then did some shopping at Stitchville and the went to The General Store which is quite a gift shop. We had a great time. Thank you again Pam for the gift and I hope you have a Happy Birthday.

I have been doing a lot of stitching and finishing and I will be posting about that is the next couple of days. Have a great weekend and stay warm.

Don't forget to enter my drawing.


Anonymous said...

Brrr, for sure it looks cold! Oh I don't want any snow yet!!
Congrats for your 3rd blogversary! and so many inspiration given to us over this time. Thank you.
Looking forward to seeing your next finish.

valerie said...

No kidding, it looks freezing! Stay Warm.

Congrats on your 3rd blog anniversary. Your project bags look amazing. I would love a chance at your giveaway. Thanks!

Missy Ann said...

lol My husband walked out side and said "It's chilly out here."

It's currently 54 degrees here in Houston.

Stay warm & safely off the roads! Everyone losses their minds that first snow, it's like they've never seen it before every single year.

/former northern girl

& Happy Blogoversary!

staci said...

That is quite a bit of snow and it looks verrry cold! A perfect day for staying in and stitching :) Stay warm!

That is a sweet gift and I love the stitching pocket you've meade! Happy Blogiversary!

Paula D said...

Sometimes I miss the snow. But I truly love the beach in Gulf Shores! lol!
thanks for the give away. Happy Blogaversary!

natalysneedle said...

Wow, look at all of that snow. I would do the same, stay in by a cozy fire and stitch. Congrats on your blogaversary. I haven't been blogging that long but I am hooked.

cottagepinkperfection said...

I am a new follower and avid stitcher of samplers myself. I would love to enter your give-away for this beautiful sampler pouch! I look forward to following you on a daily basis to see what beautiful new things you are stitching. Thanks for sharing with us.


Hazel said...

Wow look at all that snow!! Definitely would make me want to hibernate. I would love to join your giveaway. Congrats on 3 years. xx

Unknown said...

That looks like the start of a long winter te me,here it's really autumn with lots of wind and rain.
To be honest a rather wake up to your kind of weather.

Stay warm and safe,

hugs Yvon.

Lynn said...

Yuck, I am so not looking forward to snow. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. Please enter me in your drawing.

Theresa said...

Wow!!! That is a lot of snow!! I can't believe you are having snow already!!!!! Stay warm~~

Congratulations on your 3rd blogoversary!!!!! That project bag is gorgeous!!! I would love to enter a chance for your giveaway!!!

Thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 3rd blogversary!
That's a lot of snow ....
Keep warm.

~*Sharee*~ said...

I love the snow; when I can stay home and stitch and not have to drive in it. LOL Please enter me in your drawing; I'd love to win.. This is beautiful...

Hugs, Shar

Carol said...

Your back yard looks so pretty, Joan! I love snow (as long as I don't have to go out in it!)...

Congratulations on three fun years of blogging--I'd love to have a chance to win your project bag. Thanks so much :)

Faye said...

OMG!!! You gals from MN are scaring me with these SNOW pictures!!hahaha....actually they are absolutely beautiful and I am jealous....kinda..... At least you got in some mega stitching time!!!

Take care and catch a snow flake on your tongue for me!!! Faye

Deborah said...

Love the pictures of the snow! Hot chocolate, a fire and stitching. It would be perfect for me. Congrats on your 3rd blogversary. The stitching pouch is beautiful.

Pike said...

What a lovely pouch! I'd love to have that, so please put my name in the hat!

Pirjo from Finland

Becky K in OK said...

Brr, it looks cold. I'd love to be entered into your drawing for the stitcher's pouch.

Juels said...

Happy Blogoversary! It isn't snowing here but is getting cooler - well some days. Stay warm. Thanks!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

hello I discovered your blog and your images of embroidery and snow are just wonderful!
marylin France

Melody said...

Thanks for the weather update. Brr. that looks cold. I'm not ready for snow quite yet. We live in IL.

I'd love to enter your drawing.
Thanks, and congratulations on your blog milestone.

Ellen said...

It looks freezing but beautiful!

Happy 3rd Blogoversary! Would love a chance to win that project bag.


laurawilson25 said...

I'm so glad I live in the south. Not much snow here ;)
I would like to be entered in the drawing.

Clare said...

Wow so much snow. Congratulations on you blog anniversary. Please enter me in the draw

Joy said...

I remember those inch days in OH. Kinda miss them, kinda don't, but it is soo pretty. Congrats on your anniversary! I soo enjoy seeing your finishes. Please enter me in your giveaway!

Barb said...

Hello Joan, I have just bookmarked your blog and become a follower because I do not want to miss anything! I feel a little uncomfortable entering your giveaway as I have only just found you. Just wanted to introduce myself ,pop over to me and say Hi , but leave the snow at your place as although it looks so lovely we do not get much here in the Uk where I live.

Jennifer said...

I'm nowhere near ready to see snow!

Congrats on your blogervarsary!

Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway.....

saras said...

no snow here either! it'll be a few months before we have snow! I'd love to enter your drawing!

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Love that snow picture !! I would love to be entered in your drawing for the Stitching Pouch !! Thanks for sharing!!

lynda said...

I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing all your beautiful stitched pieces. Congratulations on your blogoversary! I would love to be entered into your drawing. Thanks so much!

Michele said...

wow that's a lot of snow! but what fun :)

congrats on your blogiversary! 3 years is awesome :) count me in please!

Amy said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing! We met at the Tulsa BBD retreat this past summer. I am going to The Silver Needle retreat tomorrow! I cannot wait!

I love following your blog!
Amy Frazier

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Blogsversary!!!
Hope the snow is over and you are keeping warm!
Love your project bags!! I would love to enter for a chance.
thank you.

pj said...

Joan, It was so fun to meet you and Cathy B for lunch and to see your Show and Tell items! You are great at finishing and getting it done Girl! Thank you for being so kind to spend a few hours with us! We had a great time and it made it special to be with the 2 of you....stitching friends are the best! I would love to win the giveaway!!!! The snow was quite a surprise....but pretty! Thanks again...pj

Sandra said...

I can't believe you have got snow already, poor you. I love the stitching pouch you have made, please could you enter my name in the draw.